Monday, June 20, 2011

#OpMalaysia - Die Another Day

#OpMalaysia, another day - Anonops attacks has failed to get the Government full attention. The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) issued a statement regarding the first attempt and claimed there was only a little impact on a Malaysian users as a result.
"Our monitoring of the situation showed that there was a reduced level of attacks by 4.00am this morning and upon further evaluation, so far we gauge that there has been little impact on Malaysian users as a result of this attack."
In reference to this statement, #OpMalaysia posted another statement on 17th of June to youtube says a second round of attacks against the Government of Malaysia is planned for the 4th of July at 13:37 GMT (21:37 MYT).

"We shall bring down the entire countries national infrastructure. We shall make this a day to be remembered. This is your second warning."

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xDragonZ said...
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