Monday, July 30, 2007

MacOS fans

For some reason I don't like the default compiz that came with Ubuntu, so I removed and install a new one. Of course Ubuntu developer doing a great jobs, it's just about having fun by imitating and finding the limits of Gnome desktop.

slash@shaolinint# apt-get remove compiz
slash@shaolinint# apt-get install compiz compiz-manager

Added this lines to my apt sources.list:

deb feisty avant-window-navigator
deb-src feisty avant-window-navigator

Download the gpg key and updated the repo.

slash@shaolinint# wget -O- | pt-key add -
slash@shaolinint# apt-get update

Install the AWN, Tracker and Affinity:

slash@shaolinint# apt-get install avant-window-navigator-svn
slash@shaolinint# apt-get install tracker
slash@shaolinint# apt-get install affinity-svn

Installed Mac fonts, login screen and Macos theme:


login screen

Configured my desktop to use Lucida Grande and MacGrande. Finally, I ran the Avant-Window-Navigator and start my compiz from the main menu and preference. That's it! My brand new Ubuntu Feisty MacOS look, sexy just like Jessica Alba :)

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