Friday, January 16, 2009

Boycott Israel Campaign

Before we go further, I would like to take everyone to read following articles so you aware of history of Palestine and Israel, thus why I write this blog.

The Balfour Declaration of 1917 (dated 2 November 1917) was a classified formal statement of policy by the British government stating that the British government "view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people "with the understanding that "nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

The declaration was made in a letter from Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Lord Rothschild (Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild), a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation, a private Zionist organization. The letter reflected the position of the British Cabinet, as agreed upon in a meeting on 31 October 1917. It further stated that the declaration is a sign of "sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations."

The statement was issued through the efforts of Chaim Weizmann and Nahum Sokolow, the principal Zionist leaders based in London but, as they had asked for the reconstitution of Palestine as “the” Jewish national home, the Declaration fell short of Zionist expectations.

The "Balfour Declaration" was later incorporated into the Sèvres peace treaty with Turkey and the Mandate for Palestine. The original document is kept at the British Library.

"Deklarasi Balfour (1917) ialah surat yang bertarikh 2 November 1917 dari Menteri Luar Negeri Britain, Arthur James Balfour kepada Lord Rothschild, pemimpin komunitas Yahudi Inggris, untuk dikirimkan kepada Federasi Zionis. Surat itu menyatakan posisi yang disetujui pada rapat Kabinet Inggris pada 31 Oktober 1917, bahwa pemerintah Inggris mendukung rencana-rencana Zionis buat ‘tanah air’ bagi Yahudi di Palastin, dengan syarat bahwa tidak ada hal-hal yang boleh dilakukan yang mungkin merugikan hak-hak dari komuniti-komuniti yang ada di sana."

Original Text Declaration of Balfour 1917:

Foreign Office
November 2nd, 1917

Dear Lord Rothschild,

I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.

"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.

Yours sincerely,
Arthur James Balfour

Bahasa Malaysia translation:

Departemen Luar Negeri
2 November 1917

Lord Rothschild yang terhormat,
Saya sangat senang dalam menyampaikan kepada Anda, atas nama Pemerintahan Sri Baginda, pernyataan simpati terhadap aspirasi Zionis Yahudi yang telah diajukan kepada dan disetujui oleh Kabinet.

"Pemerintahan Sri Baginda memandang positif pendirian di Palestina tanah air untuk orang Yahudi, dan akan menggunakan usaha keras terbaik mereka untuk memudahkan tercapainya tujuan ini, karena jelas dipahami bahwa tidak ada suatupun yang boleh dilakukan yang dapat merugikan hak-hak penduduk dan keagamaan dari komunitas-komunitas non-Yahudi yang ada di Palestina, ataupun hak-hak dan status politis yang dimiliki orang Yahudi di negara-negara lainnya ."

Saya sangat berterima kasih jika Anda dapat menyampaikan deklarasi ini untuk diketahui oleh Federasi Zionis.

Yang Benar,
Arthur James Balfour

One of the main proponents of a Jewish homeland in Palestine was Dr. Chaim Weizmann, the leading spokesman for organized Zionism in Britain. Weizmann was a chemist who had developed a process to synthesize acetone via fermentation. Acetone is required for the production of cordite, a powerful propellant explosive needed to fire ammunition without generating tell-tale smoke. Germany had cornered supplies of calcium acetate, a major source of acetone. Other pre-war processes in Britain were inadequate to meet the increased demand in World War I, and a shortage of cordite would have severely hampered Britain's war effort. Lloyd-George, then Minister for Munitions, was grateful to Weizmann and so supported his Zionist aspirations. In his War Memoirs, Lloyd George wrote of meeting Weizmann in 1916 that Weizmann
... explained his aspirations as to the repatriation of the Jews to the sacred land they had made famous. That was the fount and origin of the famous declaration about the National Home for the Jews in Palestine .... As soon as I became Prime Minister I talked the whole matter over with Mr Balfour, who was then Foreign Secretary.

However, this version of the story of the declaration's origins has been described as "fanciful", a fair assessment considering that discussions between Weizmann and Balfour had begun at least a decade earlier. In late 1905 Balfour had requested of his Jewish constituency representative, Charles Dreyfus, that he arrange a meeting with Weizman, during which Weizman asked for official British support for Zionism, and they were to meet again on this issue in 1914.

During the first meeting between Weizmann and Balfour in 1906, Balfour asked what Weizmann's objections were to the idea of a Jewish homeland in Uganda rather than in Palestine. According to Weizmann's memoir, the conversation went as follows:

"Mr. Balfour, supposing I was to offer you Paris instead of London, would you take it?" He sat up, looked at me, and answered: "But Dr. Weizmann, we have London." "That is true," I said, "but we had Jerusalem when London was a marsh." He ... said two things which I remember vividly. The first was: "Are there many Jews who think like you?" I answered: "I believe I speak the mind of millions of Jews whom you will never see and who cannot speak for themselves." ... To this he said: "If that is so you will one day be a force."

Weizmann ialah kimiawan yang berjaya mensintesiskan aseton melalui fermentasi. Aseton diperlukan dalam menghasilkan cordite, bahan pembakar yang diperlukan untuk mendorong peluru-peluru. Jerman memonopoli ramuan aseton kunci, kalsium asetat. Tanpa kalsium asetat, Britan tidak ada keupayan mencipta aseton dan tanpa aseton takkan ada cordite. Jadi, tanpa cordite, Inggris pada ketika itu mungkin akan kalah dalam Perang Besar. Ketika ditanya bayaran apa yang diinginkan, Weizmann menjawab, "Hanya ada satu hal yang saya inginkan. Tanah air buat orang-orang saya." Ia menerima pembayaran untuk penemuan ini dan peran dalam sejarah awal Israel.

I would like to call all Muslims around the globe to join Boycott Israel Campaign to show their protest against Israel Acts in Palestine. The following brands are mandatory and vital to be boycotted at any reasons.

More brand lists to be boycotted here.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Bed of Roses


Today, I missed all the wonderful journey and experience with my brother. He thought me everything he could. Sometimes we played guitar together and sing a song. Our favorites song was Bed of Roses by Jon Bon Jovi that we dedicated to somebody important on his life. I misses you so much Bro, May Allah put you with all the Solehin. Amin.

"Bed of Roses" is a rock song released by Bon Jovi in 1993, taken from the album Keep the Faith. The song's power ballad style made it a worldwide hit, and it demonstrated the band's new, more mature sound after their success as a glam metal band in the 80's. Released as a successful single in 1993, it reached #10 on the Billboard Hot 100, #13 in the UK Top 40 and #10 in the German Top 100.

Jon Bon Jovi wrote the song in a hotel room while suffering from a hangover, and the song reflects his feelings at the time. The song contains drawn out guitar riffs and soft piano playing, combined with emotive and powerful vocals by Jon to create a power ballad love song.The line"as I dream about movies they won't make of me when I am dead" is indicative of the central theme of rugged existence interwoven with soaring hopes at the same time.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Some old story for 2009 PLAN

I was thinking what is the best posting to open my year 2009 blog. I came up with an idea to review or flashback some of good stories out there related to Cyber World. I hope posted below would give you some picture that HACKERS are actually helping you with their own ways and styles. They are actually knows what is happening on the entire internet. I wish you all "Happy New Year 2009"

Before joining THC I was doing research for Team-Teso. In 2000 one of our problems at Teso was that many script kiddies entered the arena
and started setting up DDoS hosts and owning like mad. Hacking became mainstream.

At Teso we did not like script kiddies and we abhorred those doing DDoS. A small group of Teso and some friends reverse engineered the backdoors and started scanning for them. Our objective was to discourage script kiddies and stop DDoS attacks (by removing the DDoS agents).

We developed a new scanner (called 'bscan', not published but a handful of people had it) that was capable of scanning
the internet.

The main features of bscan were:
- Raw SYN scanner. Full TCP/IP stack in userland.
- Using ghost IP and ghost MAC (untraceable)
- Modular. We developed loadable modules for telnet handshake, bind, http (HEAD / HTTP/1.0), ...
- Sending out 50.000 or more syn packets per second.
- Running on linux, sunos/solaris and bsd.

In short the scanner was capable of scanning the entire Internet ( - The scanner retrieved all Web Server versions
or telnet banners within hours.

Fyodor's nmap was developed for a different reason. The features of nmap are far superior to bscan. Bscan was a tool and nmap is a professional application.

All this is history now and I think that 7 years after the development the time has come to share some of the stuff that we learned
while scanning the Internet:

1.The Internet is full of hosts that do not comply with the RFC.
2.There are hosts on the Internet that keep sending ACK packets for hours even if you send back FIN, RST or ICMP error messages. They just wont stop sending!
3.Sometimes you send a SYN to one host and you get the SYN/ACK back from a different host (asymmetric NAT).
4.There are entire class A networks with no hosts in them at all (The Black Holes of the Internet).
5.Never scan sequential. If a remote class B or class C is hit with 50k SYNCs per second the serving router of the target network will start sending out ARP requests to resolve the MAC of all these hosts. ARP requests are broadcast messages. This will overload some hosts on the target 'local' network which will crash or not respond for several seconds while processing the ARP requests. You will miss those hosts. Scan 'spread spectrum' and increment the IP by 256 or a similar value.
6.The first syn packet is often lost. When scanning 10-20 class A networks in 'spread spectrum mode (-X option in bscan) then the router of a large network (e.g. class B) still has to resolve several hundred ARP entries per second. Some routers can not handle this and will start dropping SYN packets if the MAC is not known and can not be resolved because the router is already busy resolving other MAC addresses.
7.Coordinate with your people that you are the only one scanning the Internet. Same reason as above: If two people scan at the same time the target hosts have to process to many ARP requests and both of you will miss hosts.
8.Never wait longer than 3 seconds for a host to complete. If it takes longer than 3 seconds for a host to reply you are not interested in owning that host anyway.
9.Be kind to other administrators. We set up a charity ("The Institute for Internet Statistics") to have a reasonable explanation for any IT administrator who complained about our scanning activities.

The scanner was usually started on 5-10 Internet hosts in parallel. A big thanks at this point to the IT Administrators of the
various universities in Germany who let us use their hosts for scanning (legally!).

A typical TCP port scan of the Internet took between 8-16 hours.

There was a nice side effect of cleaning the internet from script kiddies and their backdoors: Teso had a full list of all
server versions of all hosts on the Internet. No longer had team teso to scan for vulnerable hosts. We just looked them up in our
log files.

One day one of the German hackers who helped Teso came home drunk and decided to start another scan for a script kiddie
backdoor that was running on TCP port 33645. He initiated a scan and set source port to 443 and destination port
to 33645. The morning after (and being sober again) he saw that various security mailing lists discussed a new
0-day vulnerability against HTTPS (port 443). Apparently someone was scanning with massive speed the HTTPS ports on
the Internet. He looked again of what scan he started the night before: He mistakenly swapped source and destination port while drunk and scanned for port 443 instead for port 33465.

These mails can still be found on the archives of various mailing lists around xmas 2002.

Lesson learned: Do not drink & hack.

We were not the only ones who scanned the Internet. We heart of an Israeli research group who did it in 1998.

In 2002/2003 Dan Kaminsky published another tool called scanrand. His tool is public. Try it.

Final Notes
These days bscan is old and not up to date anymore.
Whatever you do make sure it's legal and does not cause trouble to other people.
